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Your security system uses a landline phone connection to communicate with our monitoring stations when the alarm is triggered.
Your security system uses a cellular up-link to communicate with our monitoring stations when the alarm is triggered.
Your security system sends a signal to our monitoring stations through your broadband Internet connection when the alarm is triggered.



With the ever-growing popularity of cell phones and the ever-stagnating use of landline phones at home, the security industry had to provide solutions for the millions of security systems protecting people and properties worldwide.  Your home phone is costing too much, you never use it, and wondering if there are solutions to keep your family safe, home protected, and the ease of your peace of mind present, while taking advantage of the discount on your home or business insurance.


Not too long ago it was unheard of for someone to tell you they didn’t have a landline phone at home. But times have changed, and it has now become commonplace to forgo the home phone in favor of using cell phones exclusively. It makes sense when all the adults (and even many of the kids) have their own cell phone that is always with them, what is the use of paying for a landline?

As more and more homes continue this trend, which saves them lots of money about $480/yr. Ave.  We would like to present options, and knowledge; to make your decision on what route you would like to take, with a more educated assessment if you are without a home landline, or would like to cancel your current home land line.




Unfortunately, the VoIP phone system does not allow the security system to communicate with the monitoring station.

Power outages – While your security system has a backup battery for which takes over in case of a power outage, your internet connection will likely be lost. Please bear in mind, these devices are ONLY as good as your IP connection and your router. No power, no IP connection, no monitoring services!  Make sure you get, or we can provide you with a battery backup (UPS).  $50-$100 investment for your router so you are protected in such an event.  We also recommend you invest in a UPS just for your own internet simple connection.




Lately, the security industry has begun to respond with IP communicators that allow us to connect your security system with our monitoring stations through any connection of high-speed internet service. These units offer you the added advantage of no additional monthly fees which cellular/GSM do not. Some IP devices are unique to a particular alarm manufacturer, whereas others will work with any make of panel, but with fewer features.  We are now ready to offer a complete solution with full confidence for the high demand for customers who have no conventional landline.

Bottom line, in all security situations you must choose the level of security correct for your situation. Price, although always important, should not be the overriding consideration in your decision.

Another prerequisite requirement for any of these technologies is to be able to physically run an Ethernet line between your alarm panel and your internet router. That may not always be easy, or even possible in some cases.




GSM is short for (Global System for Mobile Communications, originally from (Groupe Spécial Mobile) is the most popular standard for mobile telephony, Which means that an extra component (GSM) can be added to the security system, where the standard cell phone towers can be used to transfer the information from your home/business security system to our monitoring stations wirelessly.  This option is used as a secondary backup communicator with major businesses. (Banks, Jewelry Stores, Big Chains, government buildings, etc…) for extra security.  Now a day because of home landlines becoming extinct, this option is being used as a primary communicator for the security industry.  The GSM unit can be moved to a new location, and used with the new security services available.  There is a cost for the components, and there is an extra monthly charge for the communications.

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